Welcome to our farm

Our farm is located on the coast of Washington State where our family provides our local community with fresh, pasture-raised, pork, turkeys, duck and chicken eggs, and chicken fryers. Many of our products are available year-round.

Our farm is focused on sustainable and humane farming practices. We provide our animals with warm, dry, and comfortable housing. All of our livestock and poultry roam freely on ample pasture, with unlimited clean water, GMO-free feed, and endless love and attention.

Animals raised on open pastures enjoy a much higher quality of life than those living confined in factory farms. Our pastured animals are happier and healthier, and they are also nutritionally superior to commercially grown and even some organically raised animals.  It is well documented that pastured livestock produce meat lower in saturated fat and total fat, and higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

We hope you will allow our family to provide your family with some of the tastiest, healthiest foods available today.

We can deliver quality food to Oregon and Washington families within 30 miles of Naselle Washington, and our quality pork can be picked up from Kelso Washington. See our products page for more information.

Our Crew